In May 2019, Northgate Logistics became an Individual FIATA Member.
FIATA is a global organisation bringing together national organisations of freight forwarders from 150 countries.
FIATA members are national freight forwarding associations.
Clients are the main reason we exist. Our goal is to keep them fully satisfied by competently and professionally fulfilling the assigned tasks. We look forward to working together to develop business relationships while maintaining the highest level of services. We listen carefully to our clients to accurately identify their needs and effectively translate them into the language of logistic solutions.
Our goal is to continually improve and grow. This keeps us at the forefront of professional logistic organisations. We offer our customers high quality logistic services tailored to their individual needs. Achieving this requires a sense of trust, mutual cooperation and flexibility.
People are the guiding force in our business. They are the very foundation of our organisation.
In May 2019, Northgate Logistics became an Individual FIATA Member.
FIATA is a global organisation bringing together national organisations of freight forwarders from 150 countries.
FIATA members are national freight forwarding associations.
The Association’s objectives and mission:
The Association carries out its activities through statutory bodies and thematic commissions, such as: Professional Ethics Commission, Expert Commission, Training Commission, Customs Commission, Financial Commission, Supply Chain Safety Commission, special interest groups for road, sea, railway, and air transport.
PIFFA is a national member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association “FIATA” in Zurich, a Member of the European Organisation for Forwarding and Logistics in Brussels “CLECAT”, Member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce as well as an Associate Member of the Polish Chamber of Maritime Commerce.
“Business Gazelles” is the most popular and oldest ranking of small and medium companies experiencing the most dynamic growth. The project is organised under the auspices of economic dailies belonging to the Bonnier publishing group. In Poland, the ranking has been prepared by Puls Biznesu, continually since the year 2000. The criteria for awarding Gazellas in each of the countries are adjusted to the local economic environment, but the goal stays the same everywhere: to promote small and medium businesses.
Business Gazelle is a title associated with prestige, which is an excellent recommendation of considerable importance in business contacts with existing and new partners. The award confirms good reputation and reliability of businesses that are copying very well among much larger competitors owing to their extremely dynamic growth. To achieve the award, the company must have increased its turnover and profit for three consecutive years.
Yet again, Northgate Logistics joined the prestigious group of the Polish most dynamic businesses from the SMB sector –BUSINESS GAZELLAS 2019.
The Economic Griffin Award is a regional prize awarded continuously since the year 2000. The Economic Griffin is not only a prestigious award, a gesture of appreciation and a proof of confidence from the provincial authorities, but also an excellent opportunity to present and promote one’s own business. Prize winners are recommended for other prestigious economic awards, such as the Economic Prize awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland, or the Award of the Polish Business Roundtable. Northgate Logistics was awarded in the INVESTMENT LEADER category.
Reliability Certificate is a document showing that a company has not been entered to the National Registry of Debts BIG S.A. It means that it does not have any unpaid obligations entered into the registry of debtors. In 2018, Northgate Logistics may still be perceived as a reliable and trustworthy partner. We had been awarded the prize also in 2014 and 2013.
The Golden Payer Certificate is the award given to companies that maintain the highest payment standards. The Euler Hermes Receivables Analysis Programme chooses reliable business partners who achieved the highest Payment Morality Ratio in a given year. We were awarded the Golden Payer Certificate in 2016 and 2015.
Well-known and respected organisations, such as Poznań International Fair, Polish Confederation LEWIATAN, or European University of Business, through their actions, and in particular their achievements, guarantee that they meet their obligations. By granting their certificates to other companies, they confirm and advise other Clients that such companies are Worth-Recommending and Reliable Partners in Business.
The Programme Board, chaired by the Rector of the European University of Business, nominated Northgate Logistics to be awarded the title of “A COMPANY WORTH-RECOMMENDING”, and The President Anna Krzyśko-Vasković to be given the title of the ENTREPRENEURSHIP LEADER.